Update of enrolment form to meet requires of regulation 160.3.b,vi
Xplor Product
Xplor Product
Hi there, thank you for your feedback. Our standard enrolment form in QikKids contains the transport authorisation as per the regulations for authorised nominees. You are able to customise your service's enrolment form to include additional information or questions should you wish to. As such we will be closing this ticket.
Hi Sarah,
I accidently deleted your comment while deleting mine, so I've pasted it below.
Sarah mentioned you in a comment in Update of enrolment form to meet requires of regulation 160.3.b,vi
Selina: no we where told that the wording did not cover the regulation. Which field are you referring to.
I'm not sure why you were told you weren't compliant, so have referred this back to the QK Team for further investigation.
Sarah Blucher
Selina: thank you.
Hi Sarah & Renee,
I just checked with the QK team and they confirmed that we are already compliant with regulation 160.3.b,vi. Please see the release notes and screenshot below.
Thank you
under review
Yes, we have been pulled up on this at both of our services during a and R. Can this be fixed immediately