Enrolment Wording
Marisa Blackwood
Please, please, PLEASE change the wording in the Child Information from "Do you have a CRN?" to "Child's CRN".
85% of the enrolments I receive have the parent's CRN in this field instead of the child's. It is very time consuming to have to contact the family for the correct information when I am processing 150 enrolments in a month!
Xplor Product
Xplor Product
in progress
Xplor Product
Thank you for this feedback. We are currently working on this fix and hope to release it in the coming weeks
YES!! I've just sent this email off to QK, i'm glad to se i'm not the only one having this problem!
Parents who are using enrol are having trouble understanding the questions around the CRN.
The first box for primary caregiver asks for the parents CRN in that box.
However when you get to the child’s details box, its asks for the child’s information; child’s address, child lives with and then do YOU have a CRN?
Parents are confusing this and adding their CRN in here a second time and not the child’s.
It is not in the information that I can edit. Is anyone able to look into this and change it to say, ‘child’s CRN’?
I’ve had to chase up and fix six enrolment forms in the last week, so it’s obviously a common mistake.
Kristy Bodel - Discover Onboarding
Can we also add a side note in here that the Parent & Child Crns will not be the same.
Damien Marais
Yes!!! This would probably resolve 75% of the issues we have with Duplicate CRN's.
Mel Lilford
Agreed. Though I don't know how much impact this will have ... I have added a comment IN BOLD to our online enrolment form, and every email I send about offers, but they still get it wrong.
Damien Marais
Mel Lilford: Agreed, so maybe there needs to be a "Duplicate CRN checker"?